German Cambodian Cooperation

GTZ-Private Sector Promotion (PSP) Program aims at promoting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and rural employment in Cambodia. In Kampong Thom province, GTZ-PSP applies a participatory process to explore the development potential of tourism. The program works at the provincial and community level. Sambor Prei Kuk is a good example of a community based initiative. After conducting training for local tour guides and establishing a handicraft hut on the site, GTZ-PSP now supports community based tourism (CBT) at Sambor Prei Kuk through a Public Private Partnership (PPP). Activities include CBT service training, development of CBT tour products, and agreements for investment and promotion activities. GTZ-PSP is also supporting the establishment of local service networks and links between tour operators and CCBEN (Cambodian Community-based Ecotourism Network).


Khiri Reach aims to help the disadvantaged in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia improve their living conditions in a sustainable way. All of our projects centre around local communities, which in this part of the world is the foundation of society. The threat of destruction of natural resources a real concern in Southeast Asia. Therefore conservation and environmental sensitivity are important in Khiri Reach projects.

Khiri Reach believes that small business is the way forward. By far the majority of the projects we support have sustainable tourism as common theme.
Find out more about other Khiri Reach projects at


Cambodia Community Based Ecotourism Network (CCBEN) is the only ecotourism network in Cambodia established to serve, support and promote community for poverty alleviation and conservation. Currently CCBEN has 30 membership organizations including national and local conservation and development organizations, private companies (mostly travel agencies), and academic institutions. All CCBEN activities must benefit its members and communities and must reflect its vision, mission and objectives. In 2007, CCBEN started implementing projects related to capacity building. These are funded by AECID (the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation) with technical support by SNV, (the Netherlands Development Organisation), and coordinated by FPSC (Fundacion, Promotion, Social de la Cultura). CCBEN has implemented four projects. Three were related to capacity building and one was related to quality assurance and marketing of CBT products.

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